What is Puppeteer?

Puppeteer is a Node.js library that provides a high-level API for controlling headless browsers, such as Google Chrome or Chromium, via the DevTools Protocol. It is widely used for tasks like web scraping, browser automation, and automated testing of web applications.

How to Integrate Oculus Proxies With Puppeteer

Install the required tools

To get started, ensure you have the following essentials in place:

  1. Node.js: Download and install it from nodejs.org.

  2. Code Editor: Pick any editor you like (e.g., VS Code).

  3. Puppeteer Package: Initialize a Node.js project and install Puppeteer by running:

npm install puppeteer

Access Your Oculus Proxies Credentials

Log in to your Oculus Dashboard and grab your proxy credentials. These include:

  • Host

  • Port

  • Username

  • Password

Configure Puppeteer for Oculus Proxies

Here’s how you can seamlessly integrate Oculus Proxies with Puppeteer:

  1. Specify the proxy-server argument in Puppeteer’s launch configuration. Use this format: host:port

  2. Use Puppeteer’s page.authenticate method to input your username and password for authentication.

Example Code

Below is an example demonstrating how to set up Puppeteer with Oculus Proxies:

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

(async () => {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
    headless: false,  // Set to true for headless mode
    args: ['--proxy-server=[HOST]:[PORT]']

  const page = await browser.newPage();

  // Provide Oculus proxy credentials for authentication
  await page.authenticate({
    username: '[USERNAME]',
    password: '[PASSWORD]'

  // Test the proxy by navigating to a verification URL
  await page.goto('http://httpbin.org/ip');
  // Capture a screenshot to confirm the setup
  await page.screenshot({path: 'example.png'});

  await browser.close();

That’s it! With Puppeteer and Oculus Proxies working together, you’re ready to handle web scraping, data collection, and automation like a pro. Enjoy secure, anonymous, and efficient workflows that minimize detection risks and keep your operations running smoothly!